Publishing 101: Font Smatter
I debated for a while on what to call this post. To give you an idea of what we'll be discussing, here are two of my other options:...
Writing 101: Sometimes Technology Is Not Your Friend
I've been working with authors for a long time - probably close to a decade on at least a semi-professional basis, but really all the way...
Editing 101: The Musicality of Words
I truly love how words sound. I love the word serendipity, which makes me think of sudden joy. And the word ephemeral makes me...
Proofreading 101: When Your Text Gets Graphic(s)
I know I've mentioned many times that Spellcheck should be considered a "frenemy" because it doesn't always catch obvious errors....
Editing 101: Sometimes Brief Is Too Brief
So often, people send me things saying "I'd like this to be shorter, if possible." For the most part, I have no problems with that. Many...
Editing 101: Drawing an Editorial Map
As an editor, I spend a lot of time trying to coach authors down the paths I think they should take. I also try to nudge them away from...
Editing 101: Your Translator Needs an Editor (and vice-versa)
I am a native English speaker. My "mother tongue" is American English - though I do have some Canadian/British English influences. The...
Writing 101: Pick a Holiday, Any Holiday
Holidays can be challenging. Not just because of the interpersonal dynamics, but also because of the fact that not everyone celebrates...
Editing 101: The Case of the Traveling Case
Sometimes a misplaced modifier (those words or phrases that are supposed to talk about one thing, but seem to talk about another) are...
Writing 101: Thanks (?), I Think
When you're starting out doing freelance work, you tend to take jobs from pretty much anywhere. So, while my preference is for working...